For some of the violations listed above the illegally parked vehicles can be towed at the owner’s expense (examples: Tow Zones and Obstructing a Driveway). There are also areas specifically marked as Tow-Away Zones. Please be alert for signs before leaving your car parked. The Fairfield Beach Road area has several tow-zone areas. All the areas are properly marked with signs and are strictly enforced. Vehicles left on private property can be towed by the property owner.
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Part of a police officer’s duties is to enforce both State and Municipal laws relating to the parking of vehicles. Officers issue Town of Fairfield Parking Tickets to most violators, although a State of Connecticut Infraction (ticket) may also be issued which must be paid to the State of Connecticut’s Centralized Infraction Bureau.
Town of Fairfield Parking Violations range from $25.00 to $200.00 and can be paid by phone, online, by mailing a check or by coming to the Fairfield Police Department in person. We accept cash, checks, money orders and credit cards. Town of Fairfield Parking Violations must be paid within ten (10) days of the date issued or additional penalties can result. If a person owes multiple parking fines, the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles may not allow the vehicle to be re-registered until the outstanding fines are paid. Delinquents may be prosecuted or subject to civil penalties.
Parking Authority Tickets are not processed by the Police Department.
Offenses & Fines
The following is a list of the Town of Fairfield Parking Violations, Violations Numbers and the associated Fines.

(Fines for violations 25 through 28 will increase by $50.00 if not paid within 10 days of issuance.)
There will be a $20.00 fee for any returned checks.
Failure to pay a parking ticket will result in penalties which include: vehicle being immobilized with a wheel boot and/or impounded, criminal and/or civil actions (including referral to a collection agency) and notification to the DMV resulting in the owner being unable to register a vehicle.
Pay my Parking Violation
Parking Tag/Ticket Appeals
Persons receiving parking tickets may appeal to the Fairfield Police Department. Appeals must be made within ten (10) days of the issue date indicated on the ticket. An appeal may be submitted online by clicking on the button below. If you do not have computer access, you can come into the Fairfield Police Department and use the computer kiosk in the lobby to file your appeal. Fairfield Police Headquarters is located at 100 Reef Road, Fairfield. We do not mail appeal forms to individuals.
After submitting your online appeal, you will be notified by e-mail the outcome of your appeal. If you are unsatisfied with the results of the initial appeal you can then petition for a hearing with an independent hearing officer by clicking the Petition for Violation Hearing Form button below.
If you have any questions regarding this process please call (203) 254-4815.
Please do not send e-mails regarding parking appeals.
Appeal a Parking Tag/Ticket Online
Petition for Violation Hearing
This form should be completed only after a Parking Tag Appeal has been submitted and you’ve received a reply. You may appeal the decision made by the parking tag review officer by clicking the link below and filing a Request for Violation Hearing. An in-person hearing will be set up with an independent review officer who will hear your case and make a decision regarding your appeal.
Petition for Violation Hearing Form - Download PDF
Tow Away Zones
Beach Areas
Be aware that between the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day many of the roads in the area of our beaches are permit parking only. Police officers routinely check these areas for violations and ticket vehicles parked illegally in these areas. Beach permits are available in the spring at Town Hall. Call Town Hall for information or click on the link below.
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS: Permit Parking restrictions apply to all vehicles parked in “Permit Parking” areas. This include residents and their guests, contractors, etc, parked on the road in front of their home.
For Beach Sticker Information, click here.
Fire Lanes
Many of the businesses in Fairfield have clearly marked Fire Lanes. Patrol officers check these areas for violations. Please do not park your vehicles in the fire lanes, even if you are “just running in for a minute”. If a vehicle is parked in the fire lane it can be ticketed, even if someone is still in the vehicle. The only exception to this rule is emergency vehicles.
Handicapped Parking Spaces
Vehicles without valid handicapped permits may not park in designated handicapped spaces, even if you are just dropping somebody off, or just running in the the business for “just a minute”. Also, be aware that the hashed area between the parking spaces are considered part of the handicapped space and vehicles parked in the hashed area will be ticketed for parking in a handicapped space.
It is also a violation to use somebody else’s handicapped permit. The permit must be valid and the person to whom the permit is issued must be in the vehicle.
Train Station Parking
Parking at the Fairfield Center and Southport Train Stations is regulated by the Parking Authority of Fairfield. Permit and day parking is available at the stations. Permit holders must park in the Permit Parking Area only. Day Parking is permitted in any available space after 9AM.
Day Parking is available at the stations and must be paid at the kiosk (next to westbound station house) or on the mobile app. Please see the Parking Authority website for details.
Fairfield Police Special Traffic Agents patrol the train stations Monday through Friday. Parking is free on weekends.
Questions? Contact the Parking Authority of Fairfield at (203) 256-3053 or go to
Fairfield Metro Station: For information on parking at the Fairfield Metro Station, please go to