Parking enforcement at beaches, railroad stations and the center of Town.
- Security at railroad stations and beaches
- Community policing patrols in the downtown area
- Traffic details as needed.
Special Officers/Traffic Agents work varying daytime and nighttime hours, including weekdays, weekends and holidays. This position is on a part-time basis. Hours of work are not guaranteed and may change periodically and without advanced notice based on the needs of the department. The position is at will position and may be eliminated at any time.
The history of the Special Officer in Fairfield goes back to the Second World War. Many of the special officers played a vital role within the department while sworn officers were fighting overseas.
Qualifications for Employment
At the time of employment applicants must be:
- 21 years of age
- A citizen of the United States
- Have graduated High School or possess a recognized GED
- Have a valid motor vehicle license
- Never been arrested and convicted of a Felony or Class A or B Misdemeanor.
- Meet other qualifications required by the Fairfield Police Department
- Available to work mandatory details during the Memorial Day Parade and Independence Day Fireworks.
Special Officers are part-time employees only. They work under the direction of the Special Services Bureau. This position in no way guarantees a position on the regular police force.