Safe and Legal Use of Electric Bikes and Scooters in Fairfield

Electric bikes and scooters are fun, eco-friendly ways to get around, but it’s important to know that these vehicles are subject to the same traffic laws as other motor vehicles. This guide will help you and your family stay safe and compliant while enjoying your ride.

Key Rules and Regulations:

  • Obey Traffic Laws:
    • Riders must follow all motor vehicle laws, including riding with traffic, stopping for red lights and stop signs, and staying as far to the right as possible unless making a left turn.
    • Signaling turns and giving verbal warnings when overtaking others is required.
    • Passengers are not allowed unless the vehicle is specifically designed for multiple riders.
  • Helmet Requirements:
    • Riders under 16 must wear helmets. 
    • Helmet use is strongly recommended for riders over the age of 16.
  • Reckless Riding:
    • Performing wheelies, weaving through traffic, and impeding the flow of vehicles are dangerous practices that could lead to citations for reckless use of the highway.

Safety Tips for Parents:

  • Know the Speed Capabilities: Some e-bikes can reach speeds up to 28 mph. Make sure the vehicle is appropriate for your child’s age and skill level.
  • Beware of Speed Tampering: Methods to bypass speed limiters are easily accessible online, posing a serious safety risk.
  • Encourage Helmet Use: Even though it’s only mandatory for those under 16, helmet use is strongly recommended for all riders.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Are there local Fairfield ordinances regulating e-bikes and scooters?
    Currently, Fairfield does not have specific ordinances regarding e-bikes or scooters.

  • Where can I ride my e-bike or scooter?
    Riders should stick to bike lanes and roads. Sidewalk riding is generally not permitted unless specifically allowed by local regulations.

Stay Safe and Ride Responsibly:
The Fairfield Police Department encourages all riders to prioritize safety by following these guidelines. Let’s work together to keep our roads safe for everyone.