S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym for Safety, Health And Positive Environment. The program is taught by our School Safety Officers.
S.H.A.P.E. focuses on decision making and also increases awareness among students on key issues such as:
- Internet & Social Media Safety
- Drug Education
- Communication Skills
- Peer Pressure
- Stress Management
- Bullying
- Reporting vs. “Tattling”
- Getting Help & Helping Others
Reallocation of time:
Under the D.A.R.E. model, 45 fifth grade classes received 10 one-hour classes, a total of 450 classes and an approximate total of 450 hours of instruction.
Under S.H.A.P.E., the 5th and 6th grade instructional plan will total 234 classes, an approximate total of 234 hours of instruction. This concentrated structure will enable the SSU officers to fulfill the remainder of their school safety responsibilities as listed above.
S.H.A.P.E. Course Outline
5th Grade
45 fifth grade classes will receive 5 one-hour classes each (225 total classes, approximately 225 total hours of instruction). Topics include:
- Internet & Social Media Safety
- Drug Education
- Communication Skills
- Peer Pressure
- Stress Management
- Bullying
- Reporting vs. “Tattling”
- Getting Help & Helping Others
3 one-hour assemblies at 3 middle schools, for a total 9 assemblies, approximate total of 9 hours of instruction. Topics include:
- Stress Management
- Internet & Social Media Safety
- Bullying/ Potential Legal Ramifications
- Effective Communication
At the 7th and 8th grade levels, the schools have several different peer groups. These smaller groups of peers create a very comfortable environment for our youth to share real life problems and challenges that they face every day. Our SHAPE model allows us to be part of these groups, on request, several times throughout the year. This is further reinforcement at yet another stage of the children’s development, and also allows for a more personal connection between the mentoring officer and the youth facing a very real and very specific challenge.