Fraud Prevention: Protect Yourself from Scams

In today’s digital world, fraud and scams are more prevalent than ever. Protect yourself by being aware of common scams such as phishing, online shopping scams, tech support fraud, romance scams, investment scams, and identity theft.

If you suspect or have fallen victim to a scam, report it immediately to the Fairfield Police Department at (203-254-4800) or your local law enforcement.

 Common Types of Internet/Cyber Scams

  1. Phishing Scams: Fraudulent emails or messages that appear to be from legitimate sources, asking for personal information.
  2. Online Shopping Scams: Fake websites or sellers that take your money without delivering goods or services.
  3. Tech Support Scams: Unsolicited calls or messages claiming to offer technical support, often asking for remote access to your computer.
  4. Romance Scams: Scammers create fake profiles on dating sites to build relationships and then ask for money.
  5. Investment Scams: Fraudulent investment opportunities that promise high returns with little risk.
  6. Identity Theft: Stealing personal information to commit fraud, such as opening credit accounts in your name.

 Information on these and other scams, along with other crime prevention information, can be found on our Crime Prevention page.

 Report Suspected or Actual Scams/Fraud

If you suspect or have been a victim of a scam, report it immediately to the Fairfield Police Department at (203-254-4800) or your local law enforcement agency.

Additionally, you can report cyber-crimes to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), the nation’s central hub for reporting cyber-crime. The IC3 is run by the FBI, the lead federal agency for investigating cyber-crime.

Take Two Vital Steps to Protect Yourself:

  1. File a Complaint or Report: If you believe you have fallen victim to cyber-crime, your information is invaluable to helping law enforcement bring cybercriminals to justice.
  2. Get Educated: Stay informed about the latest and most harmful cyber threats and scams. By doing so, you will be better able to protect yourself, your family, and your place of work.

 Anyone can become a victim of internet crime. Take action for yourself and others by reporting it.