Cyber Blackmail and Gift Card Scams

Residents should NEVER give personal information, social security numbers, or credit card numbers to people through social media, or to people who call their homes or cell phones unsolicited.

  • Never pay with a gift card or by wiring money.
  • Do not share personal, identifying information like social security numbers, account numbers, or mother’s maiden name.
  • Do not take calls from unknown numbers. Caller ID is not always accurate. A call from a “local” number might not be coming from a local person or organization.
  • Be wary of sellers who talk quickly and pressure you to make a decision quickly.
  • Verify the legitimacy of a charity before donating.
  • Do not send cash by messenger, overnight mail, or money transfer. If you pay for a product or service with cash or a money transfer, you run a risk of losing the right to dispute fraudulent charges.