The Fairfield Police Union, COPS Local #550, is a Local Union Branch of the Connecticut Organization for Public Safety (COPS). COPS Local #550 is recognized by the Town of Fairfield as the exclusive bargaining agent for the unit consisting of all full-time Police Officers within the Fairfield Police Department, except officers of the grade of Captain and above, on all matters of wages, hours, and conditions of employment. For more information on the Fairfield Police Union, please visit their website at www.fpdcops.com.
The Fairfield Police Union awards several Educational Scholarships each year. The Fairfield Police Union Scholarship Fund was established in 2014 and benefits the children of Fairfield Police Officers. Each year, scholarships are awarded to the children of a current Fairfield Police Officers. In addition, the Fairfield High School Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships annually to graduating Fairfield High School seniors who plan to pursue a career in law enforcement or are the children of a Police Officer. For more information on these Scholarships, please visit www.fpdcops.com/scholarship.